Corneal Disease Diagnosis and Follow-up
What is the cornea ?
The cornea is the most anterior transparent structure of the eye which may be the site of different pathologies. It protects the iris and lens and consists of six layers of cellular tissue.
The biomicroscopic examination of the eye makes it possible to detect almost all corneal pathologies using the instillation of eye drops.
Diseases of the cornea
The most common corneal-related diseases include:
Infectious diseases such as keratitis or abscesses
Traumatic diseases such as erosion or ulcers
Degenerative diseases such as keratoconus or marginal pellucid degeneration
Inherited diseases such as dystrophy
As the cornea is very innervated, any disease is very quickly painful and gives the red eye. It is accompanied by a visual decrease.
How do you get corneal disease?
Infectious corneal disease is very common in patients who wear contact lenses to improve their vision. People with herpes are also extremely affected.
Even minimal trauma to the cornea can lead to erosion or corneal ulcer (contact with a nail, leaf, animal claw). The patient will quickly realize this because this type of pathology is accompanied by very strong pain and intense photophobia. With adequate treatment and quickly in charge, the healing operates in 48 to 72 hours leaving the affected person without sequelae. Keratocoma is a degenerative disorder that is mainly found in young people in their twenties. Finally, dystrophies with relatively rare hereditary abnormalities.